

The CalmICE Center maintains prestigious partnerships with the Following International organizations

Institute of Certified Managers (

ICPM is a US based international institute for management and leadership education. Recognized worldwide for its Certified Manager (CM) certification and the Foundations of Management (FoM) certificate. ICPM draws on over 38 years of experience to validate essential skills that are needed to lead and manage effectively in the workplace and achieve organizational goals. Located on the campus of James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg, VA, USA, the Institute is a business center of the JMU College of Business. It was founded through a grant from the George R. Brown Foundation by The National Manaemnet Association (NMA), The Iternational Managenemnt council (IMC) and JMU. (

EUROCONTROL, the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental organization bringing together 39 member States and the European Community (civil and military authorities).

Today, EUROCONTROL is committed to building a single European Sky that will deliver the ATM performance required for the 21st century and beyond.

However, it also aims to ensure that the interests of all aviation stakeholders are represented in its decision-making process.Consequently, airspace users, air navigation service providers and airports are now fully involved in steering the Agency’s efforts to help create the Single European Sky

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